How OCD Can Fuel Hoarding? 3 Ways to Overcome it

Both OCD and hoarding involve uncontrollable obsessive thoughts or urges: Obsessions are undesirable and bothersome ideas, images, or desires that OCD sufferers attempt to suppress by engaging in repetitive actions or thoughts (compulsions). Due to a perceived need to keep items or a fear of losing them, people with hoarding disorder have a difficult time parting with them, regardless of their actual value. Continue reading How OCD Can Fuel Hoarding? 3 Ways to Overcome it

Anxiety and Hoarding: 4 Effective Tips to Break Free!

Hoarding is frequently more than just being dirty or unorganised; it can develop into a significant mental health condition that must be treated by a doctor. Even if their belongings are harmful or no longer needed, people with hoarding disorder may feel extreme anxiety and distress at the notion of getting rid of them. A person’s physical health may also be affected by hoarding since clutter can draw vermin, mildew, and other dangers. Continue reading Anxiety and Hoarding: 4 Effective Tips to Break Free!

From Hoarding to Healing: How to Overcome Hoarding?

Although overcoming hoarding disorder is not simple, it is definitely possible. It calls for perseverance, resolve, and a readiness to adapt. It’s important to realize that hoarding disease is a mental issue as well as a physical one, and that getting professional assistance is a vital first step on the road to recovery. Each person must decide which of the numerous available successful treatment options—including therapy, medicine, and self-help methods—works best for them. Continue reading From Hoarding to Healing: How to Overcome Hoarding?

The Vicious Cycle of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Types of OCD and Their Symptoms

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychological disorder characterized by repeated, uncomfortable feelings (obsessions) and repetitive activities (compulsions) that people feel driven to undertake. Such compulsions and obsessions can disrupt everyday activities and relationships, causing severe discomfort in those who … Continue reading The Vicious Cycle of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Types of OCD and Their Symptoms

Effective Self-Help Tips to Manage Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

What is Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a prevalent mental health problem that is characterized by o unpleasant behaviors, recurrent thoughts, and an obsession or compulsion. OCD may affect both men and women, as well as children. Some … Continue reading Effective Self-Help Tips to Manage Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)