Mindfulness: A Powerful DBT Tool To Overcome Depression

DBT includes mindfulness as a fundamental element. It entails practicing present-moment awareness, accepting one’s experiences, and observing thoughts and emotions without passing judgement. Developing mindfulness techniques makes people more aware of their inner and exterior sensations, which promotes emotional control and lessens impulsive behavior. DBT talks about three states of mind: Emotional mind, wise mind, and reasonable mind when highlighting mindfulness. Continue reading Mindfulness: A Powerful DBT Tool To Overcome Depression

How Practicing Gratitude Can Improve Your Daily Life?

Gratitude has been found to have numerous physical and emotional health effects. Gratitude practice has been shown in studies to reduce stress, improve sleep, and even increase happiness. It can aid in the development of stronger relationships and effective communication. Gratitude can also assist us in dealing with bad situations by reminding us of the wonderful aspects of our lives and providing us with perspective. Continue reading How Practicing Gratitude Can Improve Your Daily Life?

What is a wise mind and how to develop it?

Wise mind is seen as the integration of two other states of mind: emotional mind and rational mind. Emotional mind is characterized by intense and intense emotional reactivity. Whereas, rational mind is characterized by a detached and logical perspective. Wise mind is seen as the integration of these two perspectives. It is characterized by the ability to stay grounded and regulate emotions, even in difficult situation Continue reading What is a wise mind and how to develop it?

What is psychological flexibility & how to cultivate it? ACT

Psychological Flexibility? What does this stand for? Psychological flexibility refers to the capability to respond adaptively and effectively to the requirements of the current moment rather than becoming caught in unproductive habits of thought and behavior. It entails remaining open … Continue reading What is psychological flexibility & how to cultivate it? ACT

Mindfulness For Overcoming Social Anxiety: Tips and Techniques

Mindfulness can be a useful management strategy for social anxiety disorder. Socially anxious individuals will be able to better control their emotions and lessen anxiety in social settings by focusing on the current moment and embracing feelings and thoughts without judgment. In order to have the optimum benefits, mindfulness should be utilized in addition to other therapeutic modalities like counseling and medicine. To completely incorporate mindfulness into one’s life and experience its full advantages, may also require some time and practice. However, mindfulness may be a potent strategy for controlling social anxiety and enhancing general well-being with commitment and focus. Continue reading Mindfulness For Overcoming Social Anxiety: Tips and Techniques